January 19, 2011

Senate Names ALL Standing Committee Members

Senate Republicans and Democrats named members of all standing Committees. "*" means new member or new to position--

Agriculture & Rural Affairs: (R)-- Vogel*, Chair, Waugh, Vice Chair, Brubaker, Eichelberger, Robbins, Yaw
(D)-- Boscola*, Chair, Kitchen, Solobay*, Dinniman

Appropriations: (R)-- Corman, Chair, Tomlinson, Vice Chair, Argall, Baker, Brubaker, Gordner, Greenleaf, Mensch*, Pippy, Rafferty, Smucker, Vance, Waugh, White, M.J.
(D)-- Hughes*, Chair, Ferlo*, Boscola, Farnese, Tartaglione, Wozniak, Blake*, Yudichak*, Fontana*

Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure: (R)-- Tomlinson, Chair, Gordner, Vice Chair, Erickson, Greenleaf, Piccola, Rafferty, Ward, White, M.J.
(D)-- Boscola, Chair, Solobay*, Kasunic, Ferlo, Wozniak

Education: (R)-- Piccola, Chair, Folmer, Vice Chair*, Browne, Corman*, Smucker*, Tomlinson
(D)-- Dinniman, Leach*, Williams, Ferlo*

Environmental Resources & Energy: (R)-- White, M.J., Chair, Erickson, Vice Chair, Baker, Vogel, White, D., Yaw
(D)-- Yudichak*, Chair, Dinniman, Solobay*, Leach*

Judiciary: (R)-- Greenleaf, Chair, White, M.J., Vice Chair, Alloway*, Earll, Gordner, Orie, Piccola, Rafferty
(D)-- Leach, Boscola, Hughes*, Stack, Farnese*

Law & Justice: (R)--Pippy, Chair, Alloway, Vice Chair, Erickson, McIlhinney, Rafferty, Yaw
(D)-- Ferlo*, Chair, Fontana, Farnese*, Tartaglione