The Department of General Services announced today it is soliciting bids from vendors to operate the Capitol Cafeteria located in the East Wing of the Main Capitol Building in Harrisburg.
A key component of this lease will be for the successful vendor to promote, and make available, foods meeting the criteria of the Commonwealth's PA Preferred Program. That means the selected vendor will make every effort to:
-- Use 100-percent PA-sourced fresh, unprocessed foods such as: potatoes, apples and mushrooms;
-- Use 100-percent PA-sourced fresh proteins and further processed proteins: beef, veal, pork, poultry, trout and hybrid striped bass, processed meats;
-- Use seasonal PA-sourced fruits, vegetables, etc.; and
-- Use 100-percent PA-sourced processed foods including: bread, dairy products, snack foods/baked goods, beverages, candy, ready-made sandwiches/subs and other ready-to-eat foods.
Proposals are due on February 24. For more information on the Solicitation For Proposal, view the Capitol Cafeteria SFP directly.