May 27, 2016

May 30 PA Environment Digest Now Available

The May 30 PA Environment Digest is now available.  Here are just a few of the headlines--

The team from Penncrest High School in Delaware County won the 33rd annual Pennsylvania Envirothon, scoring 548.3 points of a possible 600.  [Note: Top 10 winners are listed.]

By Rona Kobell, Chesapeake Bay Journal
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy acknowledged Wednesday that Pennsylvania had not done enough to control pollution flowing into the Chesapeake Bay, and said that her agency needed to coordinate with agriculture officials to change the course.
Pennsylvania’s lack of progress is “discouraging at the very least,” McCarthy told hundreds of environmental activists, government officials and foundation leaders attending the Choose Clean Water Coalition conference in Annapolis.

Lee Ann Murray, assistant executive director for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation in Pennsylvania, issued this statement Monday following the resignation of John Quigley as secretary of the Department of Environmental Protection—

While many people are caught up in the soap opera of the latest change in DEP Secretaries, few are focused on the real issue-- how to make Pennsylvania a leader again in protecting and restoring the environment.

Register now for Penn State Extension’s 2016 Youth Water Educators Summit! The Dive Deeper III: Youth Water Educators Summit will be held September 22 at The Central Hotel and Conference Center, 800 East Park Drive in Harrisburg.

The Connoquenessing Watershed Alliance based in Butler County was one of five award winners recognized at the 2016 Dominion, PA Environmental Council Western PA Environmental Awards ceremony on May 26 at the Westin Convention Center in downtown Pittsburgh.

Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful invites local residents, organizations, civic groups, and businesses to join programs to adopt local areas, such as municipal roads, communities, parks, neighborhood blocks, greenways, waterways and trails to keep them litter free.

The PA Technical Assistance Program will host a Pollution Prevention-Energy Efficiency webinar on June 16 starting at noon.

Exelon Corporation Wednesday announced its Quad Cities and Three Mile Island nuclear plants did not clear in the PJM capacity auction for the 2019-2020 planning year and will not receive capacity revenue for that period.

It began with a ribbon-cutting on a soggy day in 2006, but the Tom Ridge Environmental Center at Presque Isle State Park in Erie opened its doors to the public on May 26 that year with sunny aspirations to be the peninsula’s prime place for nature learning and interpretation.

To read the Digest, visit:  Click Here to print the entire Digest.

PA Environment Digest is edited by David E. Hess, former Secretary Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, and is published as a service of Crisci Associates.

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