January 5, 2015

Gov.-Elect Wolf Names Eileen McNulty To Revenue, Dennis Davin To DCED

Gov.-Elect Tom Wolf Monday named his first two cabinet members: Eileen McNulty as Acting Secretary for the Department of Revenue, his old post, and Dennis Davin as Acting Secretary for the Department of Community and Economic Development.
“At a time when our Commonwealth faces serious financial and economic challenges, Dennis and Eileen have the much-needed experience and ability to help me find innovative solutions to move Pennsylvania forward,” said Gov.-Elect Wolf. “Pennsylvania is 50th in job growth and we are facing a deficit of $2 billion or more. Dennis brings nearly 30 years of economic development experience and Eileen has worked in public finance for 25 years. Each will bring a unique background and a fresh perspective to my administration.”
Both nominees will have to be confirmed by the Senate.
Eileen H. McNulty served as the quality assurance director in the Office of Comptroller Operations, part of the Office of the Budget, for Pennsylvania from 2011 to 2013. Prior to that, she was the deputy accountability officer for the commonwealth’s Stimulus Accountability Office.
Before becoming deputy accountability officer, McNulty was the chief financial officer with the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board.
From 2003 to 2006, McNulty served as executive deputy secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue, and she served as revenue secretary under Governor Casey from January 1991 through January 1995. McNulty graduated cum laude from Michigan State University with a B.A. in Economics.
McNulty served as secretary of the Department of Revenue under Gov. Robert P. Casey, executive deputy secretary of the Department of Revenue under Gov. Edward G. Rendell, and worked in a variety of finance roles with the House of Representatives.
McNulty was instrumental in the implementation of new compliance programs to improve revenue collections and she helped modernize operations by transitioning to electronic funds transfer for payments.
Dennis M. Davin is the director of Allegheny County Economic Development. He also serves as the director of the Allegheny County Redevelopment Authority and executive director of the Industrial Development Authority, Hospital Development Authority, Higher Education Building Authority, and Residential Finance Authority.
Davin is also an active board member of the Allegheny County Airport Authority. Before serving as director of ACED, he was regional director of the Governor’s Action Team for Southwestern Pennsylvania. Prior to that, he worked at the Urban Redevelopment Authority for eight years before becoming the URA’s director of housing. Dennis also served as the Pittsburgh Housing Development Corporation’s deputy executive director.
Davin led revitalization efforts in Pittsburgh and Allegheny County and has been the catalyst for projects like “Allegheny Places,” the county’s first comprehensive plan on land use, transportation, housing, economic development, infrastructure, and greenways.
Davin oversees 75 employees and implements site development, job creation initiatives, community development, and affordable housing projects for the county.