January 6, 2015

Democratic Chair Of House Education Committee Says School Funding Top Priority

Rep. James Roebuck (D-Philadelphia) Democratic Chair of the House Education Committee said school funding must be the top priority for 2015.
"As we begin a new session, I look forward to working to improve education in Pennsylvania, and that has to include restoring more of the school funding that has been cut during Gov. Corbett's four years,” Rep. Roebuck said.
“Philadelphia has been especially hard-hit by those cuts, but the impact has been statewide,” added Rep. Robuck.  “Gov.-Elect Tom Wolf begins his term January 20, and school funding has to be a top priority along with dealing with the $2 billion deficit Gov. Corbett is leaving behind. We already know there are common-sense ways to generate funding, such as a reasonable tax on gas drilling and closing corporate tax loopholes."