March 7, 2018

House Judiciary Committee Sets 4 Hearings In April On Gun Safety, Reform Bills

The House Judiciary Committee has scheduled four hearings in April to explore legislation to help stem gun violence and mass shootings is scheduled next month, PA SAFE Caucus leaders announced Wednesday.
“It has become acutely apparent that measures need to be taken to prevent these situations from happening in the future,” said Rep. Ron Marsico (R-Dauphin), Majority Chair of the Committee, in a letter inviting members to the hearings.
The announcement follows a statewide push by the PA SAFE Caucus to funnel Pennsylvanians’ calls for reform to state Capitol leadership in the wake of mass shootings across the country.
“This is one of the most important safety issues we face, and I am pleased that the Judiciary chair has recognized the need to address gun violence,” said PA SAFE Caucus Co-chairwoman Rep. Madeleine Dean (D-Montgomery). “The students in Parkland are leading the fight for real reforms; it is now up to us to listen and make sure these hearings lead to meaningful passage of legislation that will save lives."
“We look forward to a robust, honest and fair discussion about the specific actions we will take to turn the tide against gun violence and deliver on our promise as elected officials to keep Pennsylvanians safe,” said PA SAFE Caucus Co-chairman Rep. Dan Frankel (D-Allegheny).
The hearings will be held April 9, 10, 11 and 12.
For more information, visit the PA SAFE Caucus webpage.